This page last updated: December 21, 2012 as of Jan 2018
Camera on train
- Camera is driven on front of train and displayed on a Drive-in screen
- 3 Camera around the layout in static positions
Camera on train
- Choices :
- Camera links: No idea how and if any of these actually work
3 static Cameras
- 3 X10 cameras and receiver are all plugged in and which is viewed is chosen by a remote control.
This is stuff from the 90's, still being sold...
- Drive-in
- Screen is a Supersonic 13" multi input tv. All the cameras transmit sound, just not very good, much like the images.
- The static and on train cameras are switched as to which is being displayed by a switch on the front of the aisle... there is also a holder for the remote to change which X10 camera is active.
The X10 has a remote to switch which camera is being displayed and then 1 output. There could be many cameras, I only have 3.
The On train has a capacity for 4 cameras, I only have one.
Both outputs -X10 and On train are RCA plugs going into a box that switches which RCA input is active - All ins and outs are on the back and the switch is on the front - which will be mounted to be accessable. the 4in1out goes to a RCA to HDMI converter that is connected to the rear of the TV monitor. Changing to HDMI from RCA does nothing for the resolution or image, it was to get the input to the screen at the back, as the RCA input is on the side of the screen.
- Build fence AROUND the screen so the screen is facing out into the aisle and the tracks are further in. This is so there does not have to be a parking lot. The Drive in sign is outside the fence and yet still on the near side of the tracks.. needs a road though...
Copyright © 1991..2018 by Ivan Lee Herring