This page last updated: December 21, 2012 as of December 2016
Wood chip plant : chip Conveyor, log crane Building instructions
- Code for Flood Loader and Mecha-crane-arm is posted to SourceForge as of Nov 2016.
- Pulp wood cars are unloaded by the Mecha-crane-arm and into the Grinder. HO truck moves logs next to a Mecha-crane-arm that lifts them into its ring of stumps and or into the Grinder [side show only - logs too small and crane arm too big]. The Grinder outputs pulp sawdust into the train cars. The sawdust actually comes from the upper layer where the train cars are rotary dumped at the paper plant...
- Mecha-crane-arm is an RC arm that has buttons for manual or auto action.
- Grinder is a fake : the trees are shoved in and fall down into a bucket. The sawdust comes from the upper level.
- Control over-of the conveyor of sawdust and the Flood Loader filling and moving of the train cars...
- Walthers log cars would be on site delivering logs... logs made from tree branches as there is ?no? commercial loads for the cars? - well none that are individual logs nor look realistic.
- Code description of Mecha-crane-arm
- Continued on a separate page...
- Code description of conveyor and Flood Loader
- It is just another one .. Same as the other Flood Loaders...
- Upper level dumps sawdust into a *BIG* bin that is conveyored out to the Flood loader...
- Construction info and photos
- HO truck and its operation...
Mock up of a Wood chip mill. about 36" long, grinder input is 5" tall and 5" wide.
Need about 8'x8' to model in HO. uhm, some rearanging will be required...
(Google wood chip: chip mill near Yazoo City, MS ) [270 South Industrial Parkway, Yazoo City, MS]. Crane lifts logs and places into the grinder and sawdust comes out the conveyor-tube into the train car.
The logs go in on the right.
- HO truck and its operation...

Built on a RC car chassis
- Log Truck to the wood-chip-mill. Video of it going in a circle on YouTube
- Conveyor and loader
- Conveyor moves the wood chips from whatever structure hides that the chips are coming down from upper level OUT to the wood chip loader.
- Until the upper bin is built there is no known distance from it to convey out to the loader... So it is not made yet, although it will be like the conveyor on the ship and the ship loader.
- Wood chip loader is fed chips by the conveyor and has a servo to close the chute - in between train cars. The loader has enough internal area to take up the slack... Train cars are moved at a slow constant speed by the operator.
- Walthers kit for truck loading - modified and servoed to open/close the chip chute. ...

Arduino and connections Top and Bottom; and the Ada board all on a board
- Arduino controls the upper level gate, conveyor and the loader...
- upper level gate... Operator uses buttons on the control panel to open / close the gate to maintain flow into the loader.
- conveyor... Operator uses buttons on the control panel to start / stop the conveyor to maintain flow into the loader.
- loader... Has an automatic mode that opens and closes the loader gate for each train car to be loaded. The operator has to maintain chip flow into the loader while the train moves through at a slow constant speed.
- Videos
- Wood chip plant Flood Loader. Video Wood chip flood loader 2016-12-18 on YouTube
Copyright © 1991..2016 by Ivan Lee Herring